Letter to Madelyn - Month 3
Hey Pretty Girl! This is how I greet you every day. Daddy and I are sure that you believe your name is pretty girl because those words will get you to smile every single time. You continue to grow and to amaze me each and every day that we spend together. I see your little personality more each time I look at you. You are a horrible napper. You hate naps unless you can take them in my arms so I sacrifice and sit in bed or on the couch with you and let you sleep until your little heart desires to wake up. This month has been full of firsts for you, as I imagine most every month of yourl ife will be for a while, but this month had so many fantastic firsts and some scary ones. This was your first Christmas. In the days leading up to Christmas you had such an exhausting routine of visiting family and opening presents that on Christmas morning when I laid you down on your new playmat, you promptly fell asleep and then you napped through the rest of the presents being opened and halfway thro...