31 Weeks...

Hey baby girl!

You're 31 weeks old gestationally today. Wow. It's a little freaky to write it out there like that. It's almost time for you to make your grand entrance and I'm sure you will arrive in great style. Hopefully with a little less of an anouncement than your daddy, who broke grandma's tail bone during his debut. We won't think about that now, but if that is your plan, could you maybe just hang out in there?

You are more and more active as the days go on, you seem to be a little shy though. When it's just you and me, you move around like crazy I can feel you moving 90% of the day, and we're not talking small movements, but this weekend when there was a whirlwind of people around for the shower you quietened down and moved very little until we were alone again laying next to daddy. You get shy with daddy too, I don't know if it's the difference in his touch or the sound of his voice but you quieten down when he rests his hand on my belly or when he talks to you. I like to think that he has the touch to calm you, to make you feel safe and secure. I know I didn't install that uterine alarm system, but daddy's here and he'll protect you.

This week you've started responding to our touches through "the belly"* and it's amazing. Last night I "played" with you for the first time. You had your little foot stretched up into my stomach and I would gently push it back down and move it around a little, as soon as I released pressure you would KICK! and then settle your foot back into it's place. We played this game 4 or 5 times before you grew bored and rolled over.

I'm not sure how you can grow bored of actual interaction but playing with my bladder is a neverending source of amusement for you. We'll have to discuss this further when you get here.

We have another ultrasound next week to make sure you're still growing like you should be...I can't wait to see your little face again. I look at your picture all day at work and can't wait for you to wrap those little fingers around your daddy's finger. It will be perfect. It will be the two things I love the most together. I might die of absolute contentment at that moment, I know that I won't be able to stand it, don't worry Mommy cries a lot from happiness and not just because she needs her diaper changed.

I love you baby girl, and I can't wait to meet you. We don't have too long now, just 9 more weeks.

Hugs and Kisses,


*The belly is it's own entity, has it's own personality and preceeds my entrance into any room.


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