Stuff on my baby...

One of my favorite things to do to distract Madelyn is to put random things on her head. She loves this game and often tries to put things on my head. So I'm starting a new feature called "Stuff on my baby". I'm not sure how often it will happen, but trust me, this is just the start of something fun and fabulous!


i like this idea. if you still had domino you could do a branch of "stuff on my dog too" and that would be fun.
Goodnight moon said…
So, your only selling her for $1 AND she can do tricks!!!! WOW! What a steal! I think Ian has a $1 in his piggy bank, he'll buy her!
Bonnie said…
Isn't it crazy how easy it is to entertain children!? I love it, evertime Emmalyn falls I jump. I can't believe that it works, but she laughs every time. Such a nerd!

How are you?!
Bonnie said…
Oops, everytime... I know I spelled it incorrectly. I'm not getting small-town stupid. Despite what has been said recently :-)
Sumpffamilie said…
okay, so, when kaylee is old enough to acknowlege there is something on her head, i think i shall do the same... where did the shall come from? huh. Anyway... Very nice indeed. Okay, I think i am over tired.

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