Weekend fun
Why, yes I am a 70 year old woman who photographs her flowers. I wish you could smell this rose, it smells just like a rose should.
Then we went to the playground to play a little and get nice and tired before heading to dinner at Firehouse where Madelyn had a mexican grilled cheese (quesadilla).
Sunday we did some laundry and then went and looked at MORE houses for Bonnie and headed down to the pier in Oceanside. It was a breezy 75 degrees out and we had a great time. Nothing like a beach in Southern CA to make me feel old and fat. LOL I was way over dressed.
Then we headed back on base to the commissary and had to go back and take pictures of base housing for Bonnie and I bugged some poor lady so that I could look inside because Bonnie just can't move into a house without knowing every little stinking detail. Gosh that girl!
On our way off base we saw this going across the road.
love the pic of you and madelyn all windblown.
bonnie owes you...like LOTS of something yummy.