Emptying the camera

I've been snapping a lot of pictures with the blog in mind lately so here are the ones I remember the thought process behind.

1. The first time I saw one of these logo thingies I thought it was a fat man holding a drink with fire hair. Look again...the belly is on the right with a crooked elbow and flamey hair. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was supposed to mean.

2. Madelyn loves her white sandals. She wantst to wear them constantly even if she's still in her jammies and we haven't even had breakfast yet. They are the most difficult of her shoes to put on too.
3. Yesterday we went exploring in Hemet to find a museum that was having a Disney exhibit. Luckily there were also signs pointing us to Jesus. Unfortunately when we came to the end of this road there wasn't a sign so we went right.
4. And from the looks of this sign (right besdie the loading and unloading point for the museum!) we made the wrong choice on which way to turn.

5. Last week I attempted a cute little photo shoot with Madelyn and a rose. I wanted to get her looking at it sweetly and facing me. This picture sums up both of our moods at the end of said shoot. The rose ended up being a pile of petals in the grass.

6. Gangster baby. She loves this hat (it has a frog on the front) but she doesn't like the bill to be over her face so she turns it backwards. Every. Single. Time.
7. My East Coast friends will get a kick out of this. I took this on Thursday evening when it was 60+ degrees! Chris was in short sleeves, I was in a skirt and Madelyn was in a tank. It was not cold. I don't think she got the memo. If you can't tell, that's a puffy down coat and Uggs. Chris was worried that maybe she was homeless and that's all she had until I pointed out the labels.
8. Madelyn is ticked that this post is ending on 8. She likes 10 better but it's my blog and I say we stop here.


Goodnight moon said…
Your first pic is funny! Its like that old women/young princess pic from middle school. Its all in the eye of the beholder!

I'm glad that I know where to find Jesus at now!
that lady is just trying to be different. didn't chris notice her bangs and her too cool for school bleached hairdo. those ppl make me annoyed.

that jesus sign is HILARIOUS.

i love the white sandals and especially the dirty onesie...that's isaak every day.

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