
On Wednesday we had our friends, the Snipes, over for dinner and we had a great time. I cooked some easy but yummy stuff and we visited while the kids played for hours. I'm sure they were hating us after having to drive all the way home so late, but whatever, it was fun!

Madelyn absolutely LOVED having friends over to play with and Bonnie's kids are awesome! There was a time when I would have stressed out over having 4 kids running rampant in my house but now, it's nothing...funny how a toddler will do that to you. Seriously though, the kids were great and played so well together, I was amazed. I want Madelyn to hang out with the Snipes kids more so that she can pick up their excellent manners and maybe some of Emmalyns curly hair grownin mojo will rub off too!

I was a dork and set out the camera but didn't get a single picture of the girls throwing the ball back and forth or of Cooper jumping over Madelyn while she absolutely cackled. Oh well, maybe next time.

It's so great to have more friends out here now, somebody else to do something with and more kids for Madelyn to play with. Emmalyn is one week older than Madelyn so I see them getting along fabulously...or killing each other over a crayon. You know, whichever comes first.


awww how fun for the two of you!! isn't it funny how our friendships divided to make new friendships?

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