27 Days of Thankful days 1-4

In my blog hopping I have stumbled upon lots of blogs that I thoroughly enjoy and today I found Amanda at Serenity Now and she is doing a project where you blog about something you are thankful each day leading up to Thanksgiving. I LOVE this idea! Check out the reason behind the posts here and join in if you're feeling froggy.

I am 3 days late in starting so I will list 4 things I am thankful for today and get all caught up. Sometimes it's the little things that we forget to be thankful for so I'll be focusing on the small, the silly, and the thing that just brighten my day and my life.

1. I am thankful for my husband. He really compliments me and puts up with my shenanigans. Actually I think he enjoys my shenanigans which makes me all that more thankful! His schedule is hard right now and we don't always take the time we should for one another but when you strip away all the outside pressures, he always supports me and is there for me when I need him.

2. I am thankful for delivery people who deliver hot food to my door. Some days cooking beyond my realm of things I want to do and leaving the house with a toddler seems like just as much of a chore on those super long days. Therefore the delivery guy knocking on my door is truly a blessing!

3. I am thankful for good friends. It is always nice to have friends that you consider family and you don't feel that you have to clean your house for them or put on your "company face". It makes life fun, interesting and whole lot easier.

4. I am thankful for bedtime. I love the snuggles, the wind down and the eventual peace that it brings when the whole house is resting. There was a time not long ago that bedtime was stressful, painful, and gave me so much anxiety that I started dreading it as soon as we sat down to dinner. I am thankful that I am past that and that those demons are silent now. This is probably one of the number one things I am thankful for right now. I am aware of the change every night as I fall asleep and sleep peacefully without hearing and fearing bumps in the night.

What are you thankful for?


Thanks so much for linking up. :) You have a great list...I look forward to bedtime around here too--for the kids AND for me! ;)
Goodnight moon said…
Very good idea!!!! Sometimes it hard to actually vocalize what we are thankful for.

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