Sunday Stuff...a plea for help.

Sorry for the lack of posting around here and on ThreeG's lately. I promise that I am living and doing things, I just am not in a writing mood. Well, I am but it's all much more than I think I want to share here on this blog and I am contemplating another blog so that I can then have three blogs to ignore on a regular basis. What do you guys think? Should I do another blog that is solely my thoughts, ramblings, and experiences as a wife and mother enduring a deployment or should I just post those here with titles that will allow you to skip them if you have no interest?

Then, on those anything I would have to say about deployment interesting enough for you to want to read?

I need opinions, input, answers. So comment. If you don't, it will make me sad and I will have to cry even more than I have been and then you'll be that person that made the poor pitiful Marine wife cry just because you were too lazy to leave a comment. Ok, not really...but maybe.


Goodnight moon said…
How about, us friends, who's husbands are deployed, put our journals together, and make a book!
The Balls said…
you should blog about it here!! i think it helps to write it we can then cry over our keyboards too (:
Anonymous said…
Keep em on here, I say ;)
Jernigan Family said…
Post them on here. I would love to hear your experience so that maybe I won't feel so crazy! Of course we can always get together for weekly crab sessions and that way you don't have to feel like it is just another thing to keep up with :)

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