
Oh my gosh ya'll!  Why didn't you tell me my pics were so blurry?  I have a goopy eye that doesn't look goopy but it makes my vision blurry so when I loaded these pictures last night, I just assumed that it was my goopy eye making them all blurry and fuzzy!

So here are some less blurry pics...


Bonnie said…
I can't believe how big she looks in those photos! It feels like forever since i've seen her. I don't think you are allowed to leave California for awhile. I'm afraid she'll be a teenager before you get back from your next trip. Normal people go on trips for DAYS not WEEKS!
Goodnight moon said…
She looks like a little girl now. So cute!!!!! Love the pics:)
Seizing My Day said…
Love little miss butterfly face!!
every your blurry pictures were fine!
is there a beta fish in that tank??
we had a beta fish once upon a time.

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