
Sometimes as adults life can overwhelm and we need to take a much needed pause from our normal pace of life.  That is why there were a total of two posts in July.  Life just kind of got in the way and there was so much to say but I didn't know where to begin or what to say.  I still don't, I just know the blog has been neglected and I don't like it.

We are currently in Asheville, NC where we have been taking a much needed rest and visit with family.  I had hoped this trip would be full of excitement and we would be on the go constantly, but we have actually been fairly mellow with some awesome things thrown in and it has been perfect.  My coping mechanism during deployment is to stay busy, to constantly be go go going so that I'm so tired at the end of the day I can't even think enough to be sad.  It's harder to do that with a two year old because when she gets tired and melts down all I can think about is how much it sucks to be going this alone.

We have been able to visit wtih family, Madelyn has gotten some nice one on one time with everyone while I have gotten some nice "Mommy!" free time.  We head back to CA next week and while I'm excited for the things to come, I will be sad to leave NC.  But now it feels like we truly could be on the downhill slide of this deployment and nothing could make me happier.


Goodnight moon said…
I'm so glad that your with your family and enjoying life! We all need breaks...especially when trying to survive a deployment. Enjoy!!!!!
Tammy said…
Enjoy that mommy time until you have to go back. Thinking about you!

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