Friday Fragments

I HATE sidewalk chalk.  There, I said it.  It's gross.  It feels nasty on your fingers and makes my teeth itch just thinking about it.  Madelyn, of course, LOVES sidewalk chalk.  I might invest in gloves to wear so I can draw with her.

I want my house to look decorated and put together, but I have no idea where to start or what to do.  My asthetic is completely different from Chris and we end up with a bunch of randomness.  I'm going to work harder at our next home to make this not be the case.

I went to the fabric store today and went on project overload.  Luckily I found one project and all fabrics for said project so it wasn't a complete waste.  Of course if you know me, you know that buying all the fabrics at one time is a huge accomplishment.

I greatly desire to own Mariokart.  I love fun video games like that.  Luckily my brother and sister in law own it and I make them bring it whenever they visit.

I am having a hard time following up my All Dressed Up post last week.  Hoping I get some inspiration this week.

Have a good weekend!


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